Help I've Got Lower Back Pain! What Should I Do?

Lower back pain can be very frightening. It can strike as simply as picking up a towel off the ground, getting up from gardening or getting out of bed in the morning after intense exercise the day before. Picking up a kettle bell to start your gym session or the last rep of the last set of the day. BUT the pain can be terrifying. You literally can’t walk. The questions begin, is this me for life? will I ever recover? Do I have sciatica? Will I need a wheel chair?

The reality is the majority of people get better with the right advice and some Physiotherapy. You also need to know that 85% of us at some point in our life will get an episode of back pain like this, so you're not alone.

I’ve put together a few tips on what to do when you first get back pain to help keep you moving, keep you calm and get you out of pain faster until you can see us.

Tip 1 Keep Moving

Lower back pain can be so painful that it feels like you should just stay in bed for three days. But I want to encourage you to keep moving.

Now, it can be so sore that you literally just can't get out of bed, but as soon as you can, I recommend that you get out of bed and start moving. They've actually done studies where they compared people that stayed in bed versus those that got moving, and the people that kept moving had less pain and recovered faster. Go for a walk regularly, even if it's just around the house for five minutes. Ideally, if you could get around the block a couple of times a day, that's even better, but just keep moving regularly.

Tip 2

The second tip I've got for you is change positions regularly. For example, if you were sitting down and you still had to do a bit of work, then I would get up go for a quick walk then sit back down again. Or stand and do some work/ reading. If you need to make a call do it in standing rather than sitting.

Choose to sit in a harder chair rather than on the sofa. It tends to put you in a more hunched position which actually makes your back worse. Lie on your side rather than sit on the couch.

Tip 3: Do this little exercise routine

Try this little exercise routine that I've put together. Doing this exercise routine a few times a day can be really good at just keeping you moving. Make sure there is minimal pain with each exercise and if you feel one or two are making your pain worse than DO NOT keep doing them. I would do them at least 3 to 4 times per day.

Tip 4: Chill!

Your brain has gone into protection mode or the fright or flight nervous system response. In this state you feel more pain, you're more anxious and your muscles guard more. So instead chill, downloading an app like Calm or Headspace, and do one of their guided meditations. Calm even has some specifically for pain. Even just taking some deep breaths and trying to calm your nervous system is a start if meditation isn’t your thing. Getting back into the parasympathtic nervous system response or chill mode will relax your muscles, reduce your pain and help you recover faster.

 I hope those tips have helped. Try the exercise routine I've given you. You will most likely need some help from us with lower back pain so click HERE to book. Our Waiheke Physio clinic is located at 3 Tui Street in Oneroa. Know someone that has hurt their back? click the share button and give them this info. Look forward to meeting you soon.


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